A young dad sharing his thoughts on life, children, and the interesting things that happen to him.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Opening Day (week 13)
Anyway we didn't end up getting a deer on Saturday but we had a great time hunting with a great old friend and being out in the woods together.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ugh Google calendar.... Where did I put my day planner?
Am I the only one that would still rather write down what I need to do? Which (if any) of these types of programs work the best for you ?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Social Plasma
For my birthday this year my wife got me a 50 " plasma tv! I couldn't believe it either and I'm not sure where she found the money but there it is. So why in the world would you care about my new tv? Well aside from looking quite nice and being humongous it also has a wifi internet connection that would allow you if you are so inclined, to view facebook and twitter via TV based apps. You can even tweet about a show right on screen while you watch it (though I am not sure what the point would be). One of the much more useful things (in my opinion) is being able to watch Netflix or Youtube right through the TV. Of course I could do so through my Xbox or Ps3 but its just one less step and would be nice for people who do not have those machines. I am really impressed at how well those two things work and amazed at how far the afformentioned services have come since their inception.
Doesn't seem so long ago that my computer made sounds like it was exploding (dialup) when I wanted on the internet and I had to record shows on things called VHS tapes.
Who knows where we go from here.
Addi's Daddy
Sunday, October 30, 2011
So what we do that sort of thing all the time right? I am reminded when my Grandma comes to town of just how much harder it was to share pictures and all the other happenings of our lives not so long ago. Nearly every time I see her she has at least a couple envelopes full of pictures to give to me.
Technology is something else huh?
... And now here she is sorry you had to read through my rambling. Enjoy!
Happy Halloween!
Addi's Daddy
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Gallbladder Ectomy ? (week 7)
The poster as you can see advertised a new service the hospital is offering. You can request appointments, email your doctor, get results from tests you had ran, pay bills, and get your prescriptions renewed. You can even do it from an app on your phone.
I have not used the service as I am not older nor sick or hurting at the moment but it looks like it would be very helpful to patients and I thought it was a really interesting use of social media by a company. These are not the social media channels we usually think of I guess you could say they are of the intranet variety but they are definitely a new way of connecting to patients, breaking down walls in communication with people that can be very important when something is going wrong with your health.
What interesting or even "homegrown" uses of social media have you all seen lately and what do you think of the hospital's new idea?
Thanks for reading. Share your thoughts and I'll see you in another week!
Addi's Daddy
New Pictures!
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Here are a couple pictures of her with her beautiful mommy. |
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Social Media: Why in the world does it matter to me? (week 6)
Do you HATE Facebook?
Or have you ever asked yourself, "what do I need a Twitter for"?
I know I have and I am willing to bet that many of you out there have at some point or still ask yourself, "Why in the world does this matter to me?"
In short I think that the answer lies in the potential for networking. Now of course many social mediums are also referred to as "social networks" but what I am talking about is networking with people other than your friends, family, and acquaintances.
If done correctly having a presence in many social mediums can project a positive image of yourself and help to establish your own "personal brand" that can help to open doors to you in your personal and professional life.
I know of one friend in particular that largely because of his LinkedIn account and a personal website he created, landed two summer internships that in turn led to a great start to a career in computer programming and information systems.
So why does it matter? Done well, our presence in social media can do some pretty great things for us and our future.
That's all I've got for now. Share your experiences with social media and how it has helped you land an internship or start your career after college and I will see you next week!
Addi's Daddy
Sunday, September 25, 2011
So I think introductions are in order. (week 5)
As my page already told you I am currently a student at the University of Central Oklahoma majoring in Business Administration. Currently I am taking a class titled Digital Media and Content Marketing.
We are required to make a blog post a week related to social media and I am also going to attempt relate it to this blog. I will also find the time to make posts that are more completely and directly related to the title of my blog as well as share photos of the things going on in my life that I think at least some may find interesting.
Anyway now that we have that out of the way here is what I am thinking about related to social media right now.
Believe it or not I have kept a blog before. Back in the days when Myspace was actually the "cool" thing to be on, as many of you know it had a built in blog feature. I would often chronicle the ridiculous adventures my friends and I had (these often took the form of picture blogs) with my writing and on occasion use it as an outlet for things I was feeling especially in the "rough times" in life.
Since then and the decline of Myspace I really have not blogged about anything but lately I am wondering if that outlet for things I was feeling, good, bad, or indifferent, is something that I could again benefit from.
I am sure many of you reading have had similar experiences with blogging or with a more traditional journal you kept.
If you would, share how you feel keeping that journal or blog helped you personally.
Do you still keep up with your blog or journal? If you have done both which do you prefer and why?
Thats it for now God bless you as you start your new week,
Addi's Daddy
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Being a Child at Heart (week 4)
I guess its their sweet innocence and ignorance of the world and nearly everything in it coupled with their infinitely large hearts for everyone and everything in their world that make them at times so sweet and so honest.
As I think of all of the things that I grew up with and all of the new things that seem to come along daily nowadays I wonder what marvelous things our children will experience?
Will they still have Facebook pages loaded with pictures taken in the bathroom mirror? What new things will they see, do, and create?
Will they lose that heart of a child as a result of some of these things?
Or will we all go on as we have for centuries just with ever expanding technologies and new pathways of communicating with eachother?
Share your thoughts and I will see you all in another week!